The geographical area of the Oriental Friuli represents an important merging area of air masses coming from the sea and from the continent that determine a continuously climate changing.
The vine vocation of the territory is mainly due to two factors: first of all the fact that our hills are situated between the Carnic and Julian Alps (that shelter the vine from cold Siberian currents) and the Adriatic sea (that grants a constant afflux of milder winds); also the fresh and dry winds from the east (Bora) play a pivotal role in this: such winds originate in the uplands in Slovenia and reach our hills granting a good temperature range and indirectly a major sun exposure. Thanks to all this, the climate registers a lower relative humidity and this considerably lowers the risk of cryptogamic adversities on the grapes, in this way the bunches can ripe for a prolonged time on the plant, with all the consequent benefits.